About me

After finishing college in 2017, I decided to take a chance in life and go to esthetician school. Truthfully, I didn’t know what direction I wanted to take with it. I was simply following an intuitive call. Quickly I learned that I have a healing touch and facials became my passion.

It’s interesting because I’ve struggled with my skin most of my life. I developed Eczema as a baby and it wasn’t until I started healing internally and found Glymed (the skincare line that I’ve now worked with for over 5 years) that I found relief. 

In 2021, my real healing journey began in all aspects of my life. I let go of the people and things that were no longer serving my highest good or my growth. I started doing the uncomfortable things that I’ve always wanted to do. I opened my heart and surrendered to myself and my purpose. I endured so much change and challenge. During this process, I learned that duality will always be present. We have to lean into that to get the most out of life. We must be present in everything - the “good” and the “bad”.

I started my business in late 2021 with facials and skincare. After a short time it’s evolved into doing tarot readings, reiki & intuitive sessions, and more. I originally went to school to be a therapist because I’ve always wanted to connect with others. Now, I get to channel that in a non-traditional way that my clients have been loving and receiving well.

Wisdom isn’t cheap. It costs ego, hatred, desire, solitude, self study, and really difficult life lessons. All worth it. I’d endure every life obstacle if it meant I’d be able to connect with someone because of it and help them over the hurdle.

My clients have become everything to me. They’re the soul connections I’ve always dreamed of having. I’ve had such an impact in serving others in skin and soul healing, but they also help continue to heal me every day. I’m eternally grateful. 

Thank you for being here. Thank you for loving, supporting, and trusting me. We are still just getting started!